Most fonts have separate files for the bold and italic variations, or they will say ‘Complete’.Bold and Italic point to the same name Notes

Once the ‘Regular’ style is working you can repeat this process for the ‘Bold’ and ‘Italic’ sections. Alacritty is very picky about spacing and you may see an error that the file cannot be read if you use the wrong spacing. file:alacritty/alacritty.yml font: normal: family: FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font size. If you require support, you should open an issue on GitHub though. Get dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.33.zip, extract the four DejaVuSansMono.ttf files, and copy them to the Windows. Setting to my preferred font and SpaceDuck colors. Its falling back to the wrong font, you need to setup fontconfig to fix that. (PyroScope suggests DejaVu Sans Mono for Windows.
#Alacritty nerd font windows#
The font in your screenshot is Inconsolata (get the OTF file and copy it to your Windows Fonts folder). Some entries may override variables set by alacritty itself. Any items in the env entry below will be added as environment variables.
#Alacritty nerd font download zip#
Double check that your spacing is correct in the config, and that you didn’t make any typos. What you need to do is to set the font (Figure 1) and encoding (Figure 2) in PuTTY. Download ZIP My Color theme for alacritty Raw alacritty.yml Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator.false decorations: none font: normal: family: SFMono Nerd Font style: Regular size: 20.0. be sure that you used the correct font name. cSpell:words alacritty lfcd liveconfigreload: true import.And I tried to change the shortcut to trigger the fcitx and switch different versions of alacritty (v0.4.1,v0.4.0,v0.3.3,v0.3.2 and v0.3.1), but they all failed.

Try restarting the terminal or window manager. Hi, I can type some Chinese chars with fcitx on firefox or other terminal ( deepin-terminal), but when I try to type ctrl-space to trigger the fcitx in alacritty, nothing will happen.Once you save the file the font should take effect depending on your window manager/Alacritty settings. If you forgot the name, open another terminal and run fc-match from step one. The website doesn’t list all of the configuration examples, so the best is to look under /usr/share/doc/alacritty/example/alacritty.ymlfor the comments. On 114 after ‘family:’ you want to replace ‘monospace’ with the name of the font you want to use. Alacritty The terminal comes with nice defaults and an easy way to configure, e.g. You need to un-comment the lines 105, 107, 114 and 117. You’ll want to scroll down in the file until you find the section marked ‘Font Configuration’ For me it starts on line 104Įverything is commented out right now. Consolas 114 family: Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font 115 family: DejavuSansMono Nerd Font.

I’m using the micro text editor, but use whichever editor you like to open it: micro ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml 1 Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator.